Am I Responsible? An Exploration of Jewish and Human Responsibility
Learning With Your Own Havruta
Course Details
What kind of power do we have as human beings, and who grants us this power? To whom, or what, are we responsible and are there limits to this responsibility? In this ten-session course we will explore a range of ancient and contemporary sources, Jewish and secular, to address these questions and examine the obligations and limits of our responsibility as Jews—and as humans—to the rest of the world.
The videos for this course are a little different than other Zug classes: They model a real havruta between two Limmud all-stars, Maureen Kendler z’’l who inspired a generation with her gifted teaching, and Clive Lawton, one of the founders of Limmud.
For 20 years, one of the central features of the yearly Limmud Conference in the UK has been the Limmud Chavruta Project. Every year, the project produces a beautiful book of learning material, both traditional and non-traditional sources, designed to be learned in pairs.
This is the second Project Zug course adapted from a Chavruta Project curriculum. This course was made in partnership between Project Zug and Limmud Chavruta Project.
Maureen Kendler (z"l), beloved teacher especially at Limmud Festival, was proud to have been involved in Limmud since the beginning. She taught, wrote and broadcast at the London School of Jewish Studies. She loved teaching texts, ancient and modern, preferably at the same time.